Bootstrap Friendly Web Controls

This is the home of my Bootstrap Friendly Web Controls this will just be the source code as I go along.

C1 CMS Foundation - Open Source on .NET (259,9 MB)
A top rated ASP.NET web CMS, now on GitHub Quality web CMS with a great API and solid usability. Friendly with ASP.NET Razor, Web Forms and MVC.

Places a Captcha Image into an ASP.NET Web Forms application. If Captcha characters difficult to distinguish, control allows refresh of characters.


DAValidation makes it easier to develop and maintain ASP.NET Web Forms input validation with Data Annotations attributes. All validation logic unified in one control per field. DAValidation borrowed the idea from ASP.NET MVC input validation model but uses original Web Forms javascript validation library.

Employee Info Starter Kit (57,3 MB)
Employee Info Starter Kit is an open source project that is highly influenced by the concept ‘Pareto Principle’ or 80-20 rule, where it is targeted to enable a web developer to gain 80% productivity with 20% of effort with respect to learning curve and production.

Genesis Smart Framework

The Genesis Smart Client Framework is a application development framework that allows developers to develop modules of code that is hosted inside of the framework. The framework takes care of user security, application deployment and online data access.

Kartris E-commerce (213,4 MB)
Kartris is a responsive, open source ASP.NET 4.0 e-commerce / shopping cart application. Optimized to handle 1,000,000+ SKUs with unlimited languages.

Layered Architecture Sample for .NET (13,6 MB)
Layered Architecture Sample is designed to demonstrate how to apply various .NET Technologies such as WPF, WCF, WF, Windows Form, ASP.NET and ADO.NET EF to the Layered Architecture Design Pattern.

LeanEngine Framework (2,2 MB)
The LeanEngine framework makes it easier and faster for developers to develop .Net data centric applications. It's developed in C# language.

Matt's TinyMVC - MVC for ASP.NET Web Forms

MattsTinyMVC enables ASP.NET Web Forms applications to be developed using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. MattsTinyMVC features two-way data binding of any WebControl or HtmlControl, no-code state/cache management, and enables full unit-testing of your web app. Features * Complete Seperation of Concerns - View (web page, aspx), Controller (command dispatcher), Model (data, business logic, commands) * Multi-mode data binding (one-way, two-way) to any WebControl or HtmlControl - easily bind to objects, collections, and commands with just a few control attributes. No more awkward, non-testable binding code * Automatic no-code, no-hassle, ViewState-free state/cache management - choose from ASP.NET Session, ASP.NET Caching API, or a plug-in custom caching service * Eliminate or greatly reduce code-behind and client-side (JavaScript) code - keep all your application code consolidated in a managed code enviornment * Enables unit testing of all of your web application's code - allow designers to work independently of developers * A tiny, lightweight implementation that stays out of your way - You get all this, in less than 400 lines of C# code. One tiny 14KB assembly does it all.

Model2Form (327 kB)
An ASP.NET Control similar to GridView but it auto builds a Web From in run-time by binding a Model.

Ajax based Multi Forms ASP.NET Framework (Amfan)

Ajax based Multi Forms ASP.NET Framework (Amfan) reduces the limitations of the Asp.Net by creating multiple sub-forms of the page as separate aspx pages.

Navigation Designer

Navigation Designer allows a web application's navigation to be visually composed and automatically generates the StateInfo configuration for use within the Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms framework.

Navigation NerdDinner

Navigation NerdDinner is a conversion of the ASP.NET MVC NerdDinner application to ASP.NET Web Forms using the ‘Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms’ framework. This framework allows the use of ASP.NET Web Forms but with all the layering and unit testability typical of ASP.NET MVC.

NWebsec (8,9 MB)
The NWebsec security libraries for ASP.NET applications are built on the philosophy that security should be simple and maintainable.

Security Header Injection Module (SHIM) (33,4 MB)
SHIM is a HTTP module that provides protection for many vulnerabilities by injecting security-specific HTTP headers into ASP.NET web applications.

Web Application Installer (12,2 MB)
This project will enable you to build a Windows Installer package (msi) for your Web Application ( / PHP / Perl / MS SQL / MYSQL) within 30 minutes - only by utilizing open source software. featured technologies & tools: WIX MSI Installer WixEdit PHP Tigerduck

YTEaze.NET YouTube Embedder

YTEaze.NET is a no frills web control that emits the HTML code that is needed to embed a YouTube video into an ASP.NET WebForms page, using either {{<object>}} or {{<iframe>}} elements. It provides strongly typed access to the video parameters and emits XHTML 1.0 compliant code.